Description Products and their basic physical and mechanical performance specifications Phase of implementation
Uncured foamed concrete on the basis of portland cement Performance characteristics of industrially manufactured foamed concrete:
  • average density - 648 - 676 kg/m3;
  • compression strength - 42.7 - 45.8 kg/cm2;
  • sorption humidity at the relative air humidity of 40% - 2.68 mass %;
  • sorption humidity at the relative air humidity of 80% - 2.79 mass %;
  • sorption humidity at the relative air humidity of 90% - 5.83 mass %;
  • sorption humidity at the relative air humidity of 97% - 11.30 mass %;
  • strength loss after 50 cycles of freezing and thawing - 6.0 %;
  • mass loss after 50 cycles of freezing and thawing - 1.2 mass %;
  • vapour permeability coefficient - 0.23 mg/(m·h·Pa);
  • heat conductivity factor of foamed concrete of average density of 670 kg/m3 under standard conditions - 0.18 W/(m·K). or at rated duty A - 0.21 W/(m·K). or at rated duty B - 0.23 W/(m ·K).
Grade of concrete on the basis of average density of concrete Maximum strength quality (grade) of concrete according to the requirements of DSTU B V.2.7-45 National Standard for non-autoclaved concrete Compression strength, MPa, of uncured foamed concrete on the basis of portland cement in the age of
3 days 7 days 28 days 360 days
D600 B 2 (M25) 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.1
D700 B 2.5 (M35) 4.9 5.2 5.6 5.9
D800 B 3.5 (M50) 6.6 6.9 7.7 8.1
Specifications TU U B.2.7-26.6-32843212-001-2004 "Uncured foamed concrete".
Technological Project of Manufacture.
Wall panels of uncured foamed concrete Products of large panel construction containing fabrication glass-fibre reinforced.
The use of glass-fibre reinforced cement with a 3D decorative pattern on the face surface of a panel makes it possible to manufacture large-size products with high degree of structural homogeneity. In such products, glass-fibre reinforced cement is used as both a reinforcing element and a decorative facing layer.
Research &anp; Development.
Technological Project of Manufacture.
Manual on calculation and design issued by KyivZNIIEP.
Uncured foamed concrete on the basis of an alkali cinder binder
Grade of concrete on the basis of average density Maximum strength quality (grade) of concrete according to the requirements of DSTU B V.2.7-45 National Standard for non-autoclaved concrete Average density of samples, kg/m3 Compression strength, MPa, of uncured foamed concrete on the basis of an alkali cinder binder in the age of
7 days 28 days
D500 B 1 (M15) 520 2.5 4.1
550 3.3 4.1
D600 B 2 (M25) 590 4.5 7.0
610 3.6 4.5
D700 B 2.5 (M35) 720 5.4 6.3
Research & Development.
Technological Project of Manufacture.
Products on the basis of glass-fibre reinforced cement compositions Waterproof coating on the basis of glass-fibre reinforced cement, W6.

Decorative cladding panels on the basis of glass-fibre reinforced cement, Rbound = 18…24 MPa.

Elements of melioration systems, waterways, drainage and sewerage on the basis of glass-fibre reinforced cement

Small architectural forms, bas-reliefs, panels, stay-in-place forms on the basis of glass-fibre reinforced cement
Research & Development, draft specifications, process schedules
Alkali cinder cement and concrete on the basis of furnace granulated slag M300…M900 Cements, B15 (M200)…B90 (M1200) dense concrete, light concrete on the basis of porous aggregates (claydite, pearl-stone) and foamed concrete. DSTU B V.2.7-24-95,
DSTU B V.2.7-25-95,
Process schedule, Project.
Gypsum binder on the basis of phosphogypsum Gypsum binder of grades 10…15 MPa Research
Heat-insulating structural products on the basis of milling waste Waterproof construction materials of compression strength brands M5, M10, M15 - for heat-insulating materials and M25, M35, M50 brands - for structural materials. Research
Technology of preforming of brown coals Brown coal cakes having compression strength of 9 MPa. Research


Description Products and their basic physical and mechanical performance specifications Phase of implementation
Technology of immobilisation and compaction of liquid radioactive waste (LRW) Compounds containing âêëþ÷aþùèå still bottoms of LRW with salt content of 400…600 g/L have the following characteristics:
  • compression strength immediately after the manufacture - not less than 30 MPa;
  • compression strength after 28 day storage under water - not less than 35 MPa;
  • leachability by isotopes, total by Cs134 and/or Cs137 by - not more than 1·10-4 g/cm2·24 h
  • density - 1800 - 2200 kg/m3
Research & Development, draft specification, process schedule.
Transport container for storage and burial of radioactive waste Transport container designed for transportation and safe long-term (at least for 300 years) storage (burial) of solid waste of radioactive waste of group 2 according to Sanitary Rules of Handling of Radioactive Waste - 85 and SPAS - 88.
Three models of the container are made: KTZ-1.3, KTZ-3.0 (15) and KTZ-3.0 (22) having working capacity of 1.3 and 3.0 m3.
Certificate of safety of the design of a container for radioactive materials UA/004/IP-3-96 issued by the Department of Nuclear Control of the Ministry of Environment of Ukraine.
Specification TU U 13306137.006-2000 "Transport container".
Transport container for storage and burial of environmentally hazardous and toxic waste Transport container designed for transportation and safe long-term (at least for 100 years) storage (burial) of solid waste of hazard classes 1 to 3 according to GOST 12.1.007 National Standard, including unusable pesticides.
Two models of the container are made: KTZO-1.3 and KTZO-3.0 having working capacity of 1.3 and 3.0 m3.
Specification TU U 34.2 - 01033473.001-2003 "Transport container".
Technology of electroplating slurry reuse Pellets made of the products of electroplating slurry reuse obtained as a result of physical and chemical processes of transformation of toxic components of slurry into water-resistant mineral compounds do not release hazardous products in the environment during long-term storage. Report of the Public Sanitary Expertise of the Specification and Standard of an Enterprise, Toxic and Hygienic Certificate issued by the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, draft specification.